LOCAL ELECTIONS SE HOLD IN LATVIA RIGA, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Baranovski). The local elections are held today in Latvia. The voters must elect 552 bodies of autoadministration: consultings of district and legislatives assemblees of city and district. The 938 polling stations opened has 7 H, standard time. According to the data of the central electoral Commission, the participation is rather large and the elections are deroulent calmly. Only the citizens of Latvia take part in the elections. Nearly a quarter of its population - 540 000 let us non-Lettons, former citizens of the USSR - are deprive of the voting rights. With the election day before, the Parliament letton has again rejete the proposal of the opposition of left to grant to the not-citizens the right to take part in the local elections.