THE VISIT OF IRANIAN PRESIDENT A MOSCOW OWES CONFERER FRESH IMPULSE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF CO-OPERATION BILATERALE MOSCOW, March 11. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the visit of the president of Iran in Russia, which begins this Monday, is appele has to print fresh impulse with the development of the co-operation bilaterale in all the fields. This point of view has emitted ete has the arrivee day before of Mohammad Khatami has Moscow by the official representants ministries for the Businesses etrangeres of the two countries. Mohammad Khatami and Vladimir Poutine will procederont has an exchange gives full details sights on the problems of the development of the relations Russo-Iranian women, on the prospects for the trade co-operation and economic bilaterale, like on the regionaux and international problems, according to a informee source. According to the Russian diplomats, several documents must be signs, in particular an agreement on the principles of the relations and the co-operation, as well as joint declarations on terrorism, the international security and strategic stability.