RUSSIA WILL SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES OF THE C.E.I. ON THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian government has decide to sign the agreement on the exchange of information in the field of education between the members of the Community of the States independants of which form part 12 old Soviet republics. This information has ete provided by the Russian Department of governmental information. According to the project of this agreement, approves with the prealable by the Council of Ministers of the Businesses etrangeres of the C.E.I., the governments of the member countries of the Community intend to proceed has an exchange of information in the field of education, as well as formation of researchers and their classification. The parts also will examine the creation of a center (arranges) information inter-States person in charge of the diffusion of this information. The agreement will be sign for one 5 years duration and will be prolongs by renewal by tacit agreement for the five other years if the countries signatories do not make another decision. The agreement is open A of other States.