ACCORDING TO RUSSIAN THE PRIME MINISTER, WITHOUT SPACE IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO DEVELOP SCIENCE AND THE ECONOMY MOSCOW March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski). Today the development of sciences and technologies would be unthinkable without the cosmonautique one and one imagines with difficulty the rise of the economy without the results of the deployee activity by the man in space. It is what the head of Russian government A declares Sunday during the meeting of the Steering Committee consacree has the preparation of the celebration of the 40-3rd anniversary of the first flight of the man in space. According to the remarks of the Prime Minister, the development of the quasi totality of the economic sectors depend of successes of the cosmonautique one. The assets obtained in this field are also use on the axes strategic, initially defensifs, A underlines Mikhail Kassianov. It A qualifies exploit the flight of Youri Gagarine which has really epoustoufle all the people in the world. The quarantieme anniversary of this flight must be celebre so that it is " a fete of large portee for the Russians ", said Mikhail Kassianov.