A TERRORIST TCHETCHENE ARRETE A BAKOU CAN BE IMPLIES IN THE ASSASSINATION OF A RUSSIAN SOLDIER MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). A gangster of the entourage of the head of the terrorists tchetchenes Chamil Bassaiev can be implies in the assassination of a made Russian soldier the year derniere in Tchetchenie, learned RIA " Novosti " has principal Management for the fight against the crime organizes concerning Russian ministry of the Interior. According to a spokesman of this Direction, the terrorist Badroudi Mourtazaiev challenges has Bakou would have taken share has the assassination of a soldier making his service in Tchetchenie under contract which had ete made captive by terrorists in 1996. Spokesman A declares that the agents had reussi has to have a videofilm representant tortures and the assassination by gangsters tchetchenes of this soldier. The police officers have then reussi has to identify the participants has this crime forming part of a tape of Bassaiev of which one was Badroudi Mourtazaiev, 36 years. According to Management, this videofilm envoye the year derniere has the principal Management of the general Parquet floor for the Caucasus of North made it possible to bring the action penale, last 6 May, whose head of charge appears has article 105 of the Code penal of Russia (assassination). The spokesman has additions that Rouslan Akhmadov, separatist and kidnapper tchetchene and Badroudi Mourtazaiev imply in the assassination of a soldier, both arretes has Bakou, have ete extradite in Russia. The enqueteurs seek has to prove their participation has other crimes.