TERRORISTS TCHETCHENES ARRETES A BAKOU ARE BOOKS A RUSSIAN JUSTICE MOSCOW, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). According to principal Management for the fight against the crime organizes concerning Russian Ministry of the Interior, the terrorists tchetchenes Rouslan Akhmadov and Badroudi Mourtazaiev arretes has Bakou sejournaient in Azerbaidjan with forged identity paperss. They have ete arretes during a special operation of search of the heads and active members of the tapes tchetchenes including those which hide on the territory of the countries close to Russia. Rouslan Akhmadov, one of the organizers and heads of a criminal group direct by the Akhmadov brothers, like Badroudi Mourtazaiev, henchman of the head of the terrorists Chamil Bassaiev, have ete arretes has Bakou by agents of the Russian ministry of the Interior with the assistance of the general Parquet floor of Azerbaidjan. With his/her Ramzan brothers, Alti, Rezvan and others, Rouslan Akhmadov A organize and take part directly has the removal of people against ransom. They have enleve more than 30 people including two Polish of the concerning international ecological Center Polish Academy of sciences, as well as British citizens, neo-zelandais and other countries. Management for the fight against the crime organizes A elucidates only 34 removals of people and their detention illegale as hostages by this criminal group. One accuses moreover has Rouslan Akhmadov the assassination premedite of three hostages. It is one of the organizers of the financing, of the supply weapons and ammunition of tapes armees tchetchene and taking part has attacks and has acts of sabotage in Tchetchenie organize by itself.