THE EMBASSY OF AFGHANISTAN A MOSCOW OF DOES NOT HAVE INFORMATION ON THE EXISTENCE OF OFFICES OF MOVEMENT TALIBAN IN RUSSIA MOSCOW March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The embassy of Afghanistan has Moscow does not have information on the existence and the operation of offices of the Taliban movement in Russian territory. It is what a autorisee source has diplomatic representation Afghan A today declares has RIA " Novosti " by commenting on the Russian Presidential decree relating to measurements taken has the opposition to the taliban. The document in question has ete sign on March 10 within the framework of the application by Russia of Resolution 1333 of the Security Council of UNO on 19 December 2000 prevoyant the application by the Member States of sanctions has the regard of the movement of the taliban. Under the terms of the new decree all the offices of the Taliban movement as well as the agencies of the airline " Ariana " being in Russian territory must be firm. The source pointed out in this respect the representation of "Ariana " which is has Moscow functions only formally. According to it, since the taliban have accede with the capacity has Kabul, September 26, 1996, there is no more no air link between Russia and Afghanistan ". In addition, the source has rappele that the government legitime of president Burhannuddin Rabbani considere which it is necessary to also extend these sanctions to Pakistan since it grants a military aid and materielle to the taliban.