SUPREME COURT OF RUSSIA RECLAME A BUSINESS PENALE CONCERNING FIVE TERRORISTS TCHERKESSK, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Valeri Oliyantchouk). The supreme Court of Russia has request has the supreme Court of Karatchaievo-Tcherkessie (autonomous republic north-caucasienne forming part of Russia) to give to him the business penale concerning five people accusees to have prepare attacks in several cities of the country, of which Moscow. Ivan Nesterenko, member of the supreme Court of the republic, has advertisement which the file had ete transmitted in the capital for study since accuse them and their lawyers have requires that it be entrusts has a court of bases. If this requete is satisfied, the lawsuit will take place in another area being gives that in Karatchaievo-Tcherkessie there is no court of bases, pointed out Ivan Nesterenko. The relative lawsuit has this business A starts has Tcherkessk on February 26. Only it has ete defers for the premiere decade March, with the reason that accuse them did not have ete transferes in convenient time of Moscow or they had ete places in a prison. The five accuse followed a formation in camps of wahhabites establish in territory tchetchene. They belonged has formations armees illegales, prepare attacks has the explosive with the terrorists sadly celebres Gotchiyaev and Krymchamkhalov. The latter are judges has share for another criminal business, has advertisement the supreme Court of Karatchaievo-Tcherkessie. This file represente 10 volumes.