THE EX-GOUVERNEUR OF PRIMORIE SE REPRESENTERA MORE A OF NEW ELECTIONS VALDIVOSTOK, March 11. (Corr. RIA " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov) For the next election of the governor of the territory of the primorie (the Russian Extreme-East), the administration of the Russian president will support the candidature of the first assistant of representant of the head of the State in the Extreme-Eastern federal area Guennadi Apanassenko. This opinion has ete emitted has Vladivostok by the ex-governor of Primorie Evgueni Nazdratenko. This last, which presentement directs Committee of State for fishing, A declares that it will not briguera the post of head of the executif capacity of the territory. " It is what I promised to the Russian president ", A underlines the former governor. The election of the governor of the primorie has ete fixee at March 27, and twelve candidates are in string. Among them one notices the general manager of the maritime Electronic mails of Primorie Alexandre Kirilitchev and the former mayor of Vladivoskok and currently depute has Douma (Lower House of the Parliament), Viktor Tcherepkov, both political adversaries of Evgueni Nazdratenko.