THE VERDICT OF THE COURT AGAINST A GROUP OF TERRORISTS WILL BE PRONOUNCES BEFORE THE END OF THIS WEEK MAKHATCHKALA, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dekabr Beyboutov). The verdict of the court against the terrorists show explosion of a dwelling house has Bouinaksk will be pronounces fine this week-beginning the next week, has advertisement Bagouji Ounjolov, judge of the supreme Court of Daghestan, which preside with the lawsuit. The lawsuit of more than 3 months on the explosion, September 4, 1999, of a dwelling house has Bouinaksk which made 58 kill and more than one hundred wound key has its end. Monday March 12, the possibility of making the derniere declaration will be accordee has Issa and has Zainoutdine Zainoutdinov (father and wire) and has Makhatch Abdoussamedov. As that has already ete announces, general prosecutor A requires the death penalty for Zainoutdinov father. According to the prosecutor Rachidkhan Magomedov, Zainoutdinov wire and Abdoussamedov must be condemn is 20 years old of reclusion in a colony has mode severe. **time-out** the three other presumes which be also show to have organize and make this terrorist act terroriste - Alisoultan Salikhov (it can be condemn have the death penalty de mort), Abdoulkadyr Abdoulkadyrov (25 year of colony have mode severe) and Magomed Magomedov (20 year of detention in colony have mode severe) - have try to himself withdraw have the responsibility for their fixed price in declarant that they have not take part have this terrorist act terroriste. Tomorrow, after the " derniere declaration " of Zainoutdinov and from Abdoussamedov, the court will be withdrawn for deliberation, in order to pronounce the verdict.