INNOCENT VICTIMS OF THE ESPIONNITE OF ADMINISTRATION BUSH WASHINGTON, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Kirill Glebov). Completely innocent people are victims of the espionnite of the administration americaine. Old employe of the figure of the national Agency of security (YEARS) of the United States Daniel King, maitre of US Navy, shows espionage with the profit of Russia, has ete libere prison of the naval base of Quantico (State of Virginia) and the continuations whose it was the object have ete abandonnees. The instruction concerning the King business had starts after it had ete " declares positive " after having ete subjected to the test of the detector of lies, test which undergo obligatorily and regularly all the members of the YEARS. Daniel King had ete arrete on October 29, 1999 and accuses the following month of the same year of espionage and information disclosure secretes. According to the instruction, Daniel King had admitted having address has the Russian embassy has Washington a diskette of computer concealing of the information signal secrecies. However the enqueteurs of US Navy have ete constrained to close the business after the person in charge of the instruction, the captain James Weentrop, had emitted Friday of the recommendations in this direction considering, in particular, the insufficiency of the evidence provided by the temoins and the errors made during the instruction. The defense of shows has releve of its dimension completely " the actions medievales of the examining magistrates of US Navy, underlining " that no proof of espionage had ete presentee ". With regard to the consents, Daniel King has ete constrained to make them after it had " cracks " at the end of several weeks of interrogations of which some were prolong until A 19 hours per day. The lawyer of calculator, Jonathan Turley, A also tells that the enqueteurs had is unaware of the existence of recordings on tape but that thereafter one had them reprouves. According to remarks' of lawyer, his customer had declares has those which had mene the interrogations which its consents were false and which he said to them " only what they wanted to hear ". Daniel King is currently has seven days of his 20 years of service, after what it will give his demission of the navy and will be able beneficier of a full retirement pension. Lawyer A also announces that Daniel King intended to undertake demarches for denoncer the abuses of power made in US Navy and, if possible, to carry the business in front of a civil court or to Congers of the United States.