OUTPUT EXTRAVEHICULAIRE FOR THE ASTRONAUTS ARRIVE A EDGE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION CENTER CONTROL OF the FLIGHTS (Area of Moscow), March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyriev). The astronauts of the second permanent mission, Susan Helms and James Voss, who are arrive Saturday has edge of the international space station (ISS), have carries out Sunday an output extravehiculaire. The Center of control of the flights has advertisement which the astronauts owed preparer on the wall exterieure of the station the place intends has to receive the new module of transport " Leonardo " brings by the shuttle " Discovery ". The head of mission ISS-2, the Russian cosmonaut Russian Youri Issatchev, direct this work since the shuttle amarree has the station. This work of will continue during six hours and will acheveront A 14 h11 (Moscow time).