ISRAEL A NOT THE INTENTION TO TURN OVER ON THE TERRITORIES CONTROLS BY THE PALESTINIANS TEL-CAviv, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Pravov). Israel does not intend to turn over on the territories controls by the Palestinians and of separer of them unilateralement by a wall, A declares the new Prime Minister israelien Ariel Sharon. According to him, the idee of separer unilateralement of the Palestinian territories is " quite simply a irrealist ", because the length of this border is of more than 700 km and it would be very difficult defendre. The idee to build a " electronic wall " between the Palestinian territories and Israel belongs has the former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The separation of the two people is not possible that on the basis of bilateraux agreement, pointed out Ariel Sharon. It also made known its intention to carry out the intransigent fight against the terrorist Palestinian organizations. Meanwhile, the tension remains on the Palestinian territories. Exchanges of shot took place this night between the Palestinians and the soldiers israeliens in the West Bank and in the sector of Gaza.