ARAB COUNTRIES AND IRAN CONDEMN THE DECLARATION OF THE UNITED STATES ACCORDING TO WHICH JERUSALEM EAST THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL DAMAS, March 11. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Krasnov). Syria, the Arab Emirates Linked, the Palestinians and of Iran have condemns Saturday the declaration of the Secretary of State americain, Colin Powell, according to which Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Colin Powell A also declares that the United States had the intention of y transferer their embassy of Such-Aviv. The minister emirati of the Businesses etrangeres, sheik Hamdam bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan, A declares has the ambassador of the United States that the Emirates were deeply unworthy by this declaration of the Secretary of State and regretted it much. It A requires that the ambassador provide explanations on this subject. Remarks Powell the Hake " creent dangerous precedent and provide a support have the occupant and have the invader ", A underlines Hamdam bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan. According to him, that completely saps confidence with respect to the close relation-Eastern policy of the United States. Now one knows which policy the new administration dirigee by George Bush intends to apply. The leaders of the Palestinian autorite also have them condemns declaration Powell the Hake, stressing that "aucune left does not have the right to amend of Jerusalem as long as the negotiations on this problem will not have ended ". " the holy place Jerusalem is under the terms of Council Resolution of security of UNO part of the territory occupies by Jerusalem in 1967 and of the talks concerning this statute are in hand ", is it releve in one communicates Palestinian direction of Autorite. The spokesman of the Iranian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, Hamidrza Asafi, A declares of his dimension that the transfer of the embassy americaine of Such-Aviv A Jerusalem could abruptly exacerbate the conflict in the Middle East. He has appele the Moslem countries and the international organizations has to take measures for empecher the realization of this project nourished by the administration americaine. Israel A declares that the totality of Jerusalem was its capital, however the annexation israelienne of the Eastern Arab part of the city in 1967 is not recognized by the international opinion and of many embassies are always has Such-Aviv, which is has ving minutes in the car of Jerusalem.