VLADIMIR POUTINE AND JACQUES CHIRAC SE ARE MAINTAINED WITH THE TELEPHONE MOSCOW, March 7. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. During a long telephone conversation which are deroule between the presidents Russian and French, Vladimir Poutine and Jacques Chirac, have ete debattus the state of the co-operation bilaterale and the agenda of the voyage of the head of the French State in Russia prevu for the nearest ete. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee Wednesday evening aupres of the official spokesman of the Russian president, Alexei Gromov. The two men have procede has the exchange of views has the occasion of the Russia-EU node on March 23 has Stockholm. The regionaux problems acutest, in particular the situation which is creee around Macedoine, of same that the efforts which the international community must take soon for regler this crisis have ete master keys in review. To conclude maintenance, the French president has request has Vladimir Poutine to transmit his congratulations to the women of Russia has the occasion of the international Day of the women of March 8.