RUSSIAN DOUMA A APPROVES THE ACTIVITY OF RUSSIAN MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT A THE APCE MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arina Dovgan). Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) A approves Wednesday the activity of the Russian members of Parliament has the parliamentary Parliament of the Council of Europe and their A recommends to develop the European co-operation, reads one in a resolution adopted by the deputes holds the meeting pleniere Lower House. This resolution collected 320 votes " for ", nobody does not have vote " against ", a depute abstained from voting. The resolution underlines the positive significance of the decision of the APCE on the re-establishment of the rights of the Russian delegation. In their turn, the Russian members of Parliament have proclamation their will to continue the constructive dialogue with the APCE, in particular on the situation in the Caucasus of North. The deputes have recommends to the government to define the date of the presentation has the douma, for ratification, of the international legal documents of the Security Council signs by Russia. In their turn, the deputes, members of the committees of the douma, owe accelerer the examination of the acts of the Council of Europe already subjected for ratification has the douma. There are, among them, the project of Code of procedure penale of the Federation of Russia, the project of Code of civil procedure of the Federation of Russia, the federal bill on the bar, like the alternative non-military national service and the emergency situation.