Wed Mar 7 21:58:12 2001 * The RUSSIAN DOUMA SUPPORTS the INITIATIVE OF the MACEDOINE TO URGENTLY CONVENE the MEETING OF the SECURITY COUNCIL OF UNO MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Pavel Chevtsov). Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) recommends to the government to support the initiative of Macedoine to urgently convene the meeting of the Security Council of UNO in connection with the actions of the Albanian separatists in this republic, reads one in the resolution " On aggravation of the situation around Kosovo " adopted Wednesday by the Lower House. In this document, the deputes of the douma express their deep preoccupation in front of the intensification of the activity of the separatists in the North of Macedoine who have causes confrontations weapons against the guard-borders macedoniens and the police force. An intimidation campaign of the population has ete lancee for the evincer areas of the North of Macedoine. The Albanian separatists beneficient " of the tacit kindness of the Forces for Kosovo, whose principal spot is to cross short has all the actions lancees since the territory of Kosovo ", indicates the resolution. To standardize the situation and to confirm the territorial integrite and the souverainete of all the States of Balkans, the direction of the mission of UNO in Kosovo and the command of the Forces for Kosovo must rigorously apply resolution 1244 of the Security Council of UNO and desarmer completely so-called Armee of release of Kosovo, underlines the document.