RUSSIAN PRESIDENT FAVORABLE A A STRONGER PRESENCE FEMININE TO THE CAPACITY AND IN POLICY MOSCOW, March 7. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Russian president east decides in favour of a stronger feminine presence at the stations of State and in policy. As it it A declares during its meeting with the representantes mediums of businesses in the Kremlin, in these fields " qualities purely feminines which are missing at the men, has to know " the aptitude to level the dissensions and to find the compromises would be saluees ". Having considers it regrettable that " the women are rather rare in Russia of today at the stations of State and in policy ", Vladimir Poutine A underlines: " I would like that this state of affairs changes ". In an any state of cause, it promised has the assistance, it will act " as this direction with spirit of continuation ". These remarks presidentiels have ete accomodated by approving laughter and, making echo has these moods, the president pointed out that it would not make " nominations has the occasion of the fete ".