VLADIMIR POUTINE A ENVOYE A MESSAGE WITH THE PRESIDENT OF KIRGHIZIE MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russian president Vladimir Poutine has envoye a message with president de Kirghizie Askar Akaiev, in which it A expresses his total agreement with the opinion that it is significant to ensure the dynamic development and the deepening of the mutually advantageous co-operation and friendly relations between the two countries. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee Wednesday by the service of press of the head of the State. Poutine A thanks Akaiev for its invitation has to go in official visit in Kirghizie, by stressing that it accepted it with pleasure. The date of the visit will be concertee by diplomatic way. The message underlines the necessite of good preparer the nearest visit and, above all, to implement the agreements already occurred during bilateraux talks which took place in June 2000 has Moscow.