AN ACTION OF THE PARTISANS OF EX-PRESIDENT GEORGIEN ZVIAD GAMSAKHOURDIA A ETE DIRIGEE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY EDOUARD CHEVARDNADZE TBILISSI, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " David Imedachvili). The representants of the radical opposition which gathers the partisans of ex-president Zviad Gamsakhourdia and has which joined a delegation of the party " industry will save Georgie ", have lance Wednesday an action of protest by requiring the demission of the president georgien current Edouard Chevardnadze. According to the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ", approximately 400 people have participle with the meeting authorizes which was taken place on the central quay of Tbilissi. **time-out** the action organisee by the "Association of force national of Georgie " constituee some several party - the partisan of ex-president, like the representants of Supreme Soviet supreme of time of Gamsakhourdia and of fraction " 21e century " of Parliament georgien - have have place have the occasion of 9th anniversary of return of Moscow in Georgie of Edouard Chevardnadze, ex-minister of Business etrangeres of USSR, president current of country. **time-out** the participant have the action have bitterly criticize the direction higher of Georgie and have show Edouard Chevardnadze of debacle in the country and of loss of Abkhazie and of Ossetie of South Under the presidency of Chevardnadze, the situation economic of Georgie himself be catastrophiquement deterioree, the mortalite A increase, the conflict territorial be not rule and the " policy antinational " himself continue, have they underline. Similar actions of the partisans of Zviad Gamsakhourdia took place has Koutaissi, Zougdidi and Senaki. The participants in the meeting has Zougdidi have cut the circulation of transport on the central place of the city and left only after the intervention the font.