MARCH 13, THE PARTY " UNIT " WILL ANNOUNCE ITS ATTITUDE A THE REGARD OF THE MOTION OF CENSURE MOSCOW, March 7. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Nikolai Makarov /. the definitive decision on the attitude which will adopt the party " Unit " has the regard of the motion of censure and of the possible dissolution of Douma will be annoncee on March 13, holds the meeting of its parliamentary group. It is what A declares Wednesday with the journalists the leader of the party, Minister for the emergency Situations Serguei Choigou, at the end of the meeting of the political Council of the party, his leading authority. It has in addition stresses that " the leaders of the party already made a decision on this subject ". Choigou is however refuses has to answer has the question of knowing if the parliamentary group " Unit " will approve or not the motion of censure which will be, has the initiative of the Communists, debattue has Douma on March 14. In the days which come the leaders of "Unite " will belong to the consultations on this subject with the persons in charge of the branches regionales of the party, has it indicates. Serguei Choigou A stresses that "Unite " remains " firm partisan " of the government.