A WORK INTERESSANT EAST MORE SIGNIFICANT THAN A MARRIAGE REUSSI MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russians estimate that a good employment or a professional success is more significant for their daughters than a marriage reussi. The proof are the results of a survey provided by the Foundation " Public opinion ". 64% of the people questionnees in 2001 compared with the 36% in 1995, are almost the double, are of this opinion. Today, 27% of question estimate that a marriage reussi is more significant for their daughters, against the 48% in 1995. According to the results of the survey realise by this Foundation on another problem, 80% of the Russians estimate that the women must take their retirement before the men, the men and the women being interdependent on this point. 15% of only question defendent the equality of the sexes in this field. 56% of the Russians think that the women must be more active in policy.