THE DOUMA OF STATE ADOPTS PROJECT PRESIDENTIEL OF LAW ON THE TEXT OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Douma of State A adopts in third reading, finale, the bill presidentiel on the text of the national anthem on the words of Serguei Mikhalkov. 345 deputes of the Lower House have vote " for " this project and 19 " against ", with an abstention, whereas 300 votes would be enough to adopt it. The bill will be then submitted to the Council of the Federation, Upper House, for examination. **time-out** during DEBATE around this bill de loi, Alexandre Kotenkov, representant special of president have the Douma of State A invite the deputes have not bring some amendment with text of Serguei Mikhalkov, have explain that it be impossible to modify a text of author in there bring some amendment. Alexandre Kotenkov emphasized in particular that the word " God " was to remain in the text of S. Mikhalkov. Some deputes insisted that this word was to be removes, under the pretexte that God was present only in the religion chretienne. " I cannot accept this criticism, has it says, because the word " God " east present in all the religions, judaic, Moslem and orthodoxe including ".