ONE DENOMBRE IN RUSSIA APPROXIMATELY A MILLION AND HALF OF MIGRANTS ILLEGAUX MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Chichlo). One counts in Russia approximately a million and half of illegaux migrants. This figure has ete quotes with the Russian ministry of the Businesses of the federation and the national and migratory Policy, to comment on the instructions given by the Russian president to the government in order to put a term has the migration illegale in Russia. According to the ministry, during ten dernieres years more than eight million people is arrivees in Russia coming from the old Soviet republics. Each year some 250.000 immigrant workers are officially record in Russia. During a meeting which it had Wednesday in the Kremlin with the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov, Vladimir Poutine has load the government to work out from here at June 1st of measurements in order to crossing short has the migration illegale which deferle on the country.