THE GENERAL PARQUET FLOOR OF RUSSIA DOES NOT SEE REASONS SO THAT PAVEL BORODINE IS PROSECUTED MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The general Parquet floor of Russia does not have revele facts justifying the action at law engagee against Pavel Borodine, Secretaire executif of the Russia-Bielorussie Union. Conformement with the international mandate of the investigation parvenu of Switzerland, the general Parquet floor of Russia has verifie the facts concerning the role plays by Pavel Borodine in the restoration of the palates of the Kremlin and the building of the Court of Auditors (principal body of control in Russia), like in reequipement of the plane presidentiel. As it is known, the financing of these projects has ete ensures by the Intendance of the Kremlin dirigee until 1999 by Pavel Borodine. The checking has revele " no infringement with the rules of the invitations to tender, no case of exageration of the amount of the estimates or of volumes of work, no fact justifying the action at law engagee against Borodine according to Russian laws' (by the way, also according to the laws of the United States) ", A declares Leonid Trochine, head of the Department of the information and the public relations of the general Parquet floor of the Federation of Russia. " In other words, neither a source of criminal money, nor the criminal money, whose " bleaching " east charges has Pavel Borodine by the examining magistrate of Geneva, have ete reveles ", said representant it of the parquet floor. Pavel Borodine has ete arrete last January by the legal bodies of the United States has the request of the parquet floor of Switzerland.