RUSSIA * COMMISSION * ELECTIONS * WOMEN * QUOTAS * OPINION The PRESIDENT OF the CENTRAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF RUSSIA PRECONISE ESTABLISHMENT OF QUOTAS FOR the WOMEN IN BODIES LEGISLATIFS MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Makarov). The president of the central electoral Commission of Russia Alexandre Vechniakov supports the consisting idee has to establish special quotas for the women during the formation of the bodies of the legislatif capacity. The international Day day before of the woman, it A declares that this " approach had right of quotes and could be examinee within the framework of the improvement of the legislation on the elections ". The president of the CEC pointed out that "en average in the world the women constitute only 12 percent of the members of the Parliaments and that in Russia this rate is even lower and that it decreases with the wire of the elections ". In the capacity as example, Alexandre Vechniakov A quotes the experiment of the Scandinavian countries or of the parliamentary quotas exist for the representantes weaker sex. According to the president of the CEC, in Russia also " one could introduce a certain quota for the women, of 30 percent for example, at the time of the constitution of the lists of the candidates presentes by the parties with the legislatives elections ". " That would make it possible to the women to more fully take part has the management of the public affairs, has the solution of the major problems with which the country east confronts ", is convinced Alexandre Vechniakov.