THE MISSION OF SOEC A SKOPJE A ETE CHARGEE OF SUPERVISING THE BORDER ENTERS THE MACEDOINE AND THE RFY MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Taking into account the aggravation of the situation in the areas macedoniennes close to the Yugoslav territory of Kosovo, the mission of the Organization for the Security and the Co-operation in Europe (SOEC) have Skopje has ete chargee to supervise together with the autorites macedoniennes the border between the two countries and to inform of the evolution of the situation in this sector. This decision has ete taken Tuesday has Vienna, during a special meeting of the permanent Council of the SOEC. The Member States of this organization are declares preoccupes in front of a climbing of violence around Kosovo. They have condemns the actions of the weapons groups of the Albanian extremists who sap the efforts aiming to the political payment of the litigious problems. The absence of adequate measurements would increase the risk of a destabilizing in the whole of the area, estimates the SOEC. Russia condemns the actions of the extremists resolument and requires their dead halt, as well as desarmement and the dissolution of the formations armees illegales, has rappele the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. In accordance with resolution 1244 of the Security Council of UNO, the mission of UNO in Kosovo (MINUK) and the KFOR must take all possible measurements for empecher the entree of the gangsters weapons and the weapons in Macedoine since Kosovo.