FOREIGN CYBER-PIRATES HAVE ATTACK THE INTERNET SITE OF THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Olga Semenova). Close to the moitie of the 30 attacks of cyber-hackers aiming at the site of Russian president Vladimir Poutine during a press conference diffusee on the Internet last Tuesday, have ete effectuees since the foreigner, has advertisement Wednesday the direction of the public relations of the federal Agency of governmental Communication and Information close the Russian president (FAPSI). The specialists of FAPSI put in failure all the attempts for penetrer the governmental network, A indicates the spokesman of FAPSI. The data-processing hackers have already tests empecher the conferences of press given on the Internet by Russian persons in charge, has rappele the spokesman. FAPSI A in particular avoids a score of attacks of cyber-hackers during a similar press conference of first Russian president Boris Eltsine.