THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE EXTRADITION OF MIKHAIL JIVILO TOWARDS RUSSIA HAVE ETE ENVOYES IN FRANCE MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The general Parquet floor of Russia has envoye to the " bodies today entitle French " all the necessary documents for the extradition of the Russian contractor Mikhail Jivilo towards Russia, has advertisement has RIA " Novosti " the general Parquet floor. The documents have ete envoyes by diplomatic way. Among the documents envoyes, there is a copy of the ordinances on the legal proceedings against Mikhail Jivilo, on the choice of the measurement of preventive intervention, the opinion of search, as well as the requests for extradition and transfer under escort. All the documents have ete translated into French. Mikhail Jivilo, head of the firm " MIKOM ", which was the object of a federal opinion of search and international A ete arrete on February 22 2001 has Paris has the request of the central national Office of Interpol in Russia. The year derniere, the businessman repute has ete shows by contumacy according to the article " attack has the life of a statesman or of a public personality " and the detention has ete chosen like measures preventive intervention. In addition to Jivilo, the Olympic champion of biathlon Alexandre Tikhonov and its Viktor brother are also show of organization of the attack against the governor of the area of Kemerovo Aman Touleiev.