THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS INVITES TO SAVE AFGHAN STATUARY PRE-ISLAMIQUE MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Evguenia Iakouta). The Russian Academy of Art schools A expresses a sharp preoccupation face has the destruction by the taliban ancient religious monuments in Afghanistan and appele UNO, UNESCO and the whole of the international community has " to apply all the efforts " in order to save them. The destruction of the Buddhas in Afghanistan " is an enormous cultural tragedie and a loss irreparable for the humanite ", is it indicates in a call diffuse this Wednesday has the 565-3rd session of the held Academy of the Art schools has Moscow. " This vandalism does not have anything has to see with the Islam which professes the humanite and the religious tolerance ", underline the authors of the call. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russies Alexis II who also takes part in work of the session, east joins has this call before proposing to mention the religious monuments there detruits in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. He has rappele that " it oneself saying Armee de Liberation of Kosovo (UCK) already made jump 79 orthodoxe churches in this area ".