WHAT LINKS THE UNITED STATES AND RUSSIA IS MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANT THAN WHAT DIVIDES THEM, DECLARES A FORMER AMBASSADOR AMERICAIN A MOSCOW WASHINGTON March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). What links the United States and Russia " is much more significant than what divides them ", A declares Robert Strauss, former ambassador of the United States has Moscow and currently tenor bar americain and president of US Russia Business Concil. Tuesday evening, a solemn reception in the honor of Robert Strauss has ete donnee in the shows of the residence of the ambassador of Russia. According to a tradition due has the ambassador of Russia in the United States Youri Ouchakov, one regularly honours the personalities americaines which made a great contribution has the extension of the dialogue between the United States and Russia. Being expressed in front of the journalists in the residence of the Russian ambassador has Washington, Robert Strauss A stresses that the relations between the United States and Russia " had somewhat cooled " and ran up has " certain difficulties ", but that, according to him, these countries will reussiront has to overcome these small difficulties ". After having stresses that it " had always nourished cordial feelings " has the regard of Russia, the president of USRBC A declares that there remained " convinced of the beautiful future " of the americano-Russian ratios. In his intervention, the ambassador of Russia in the United States Youri Ouchakov A stresses that Robert Strauss " was between in the history as an ambassador having simultanement takes up his duties in the capitals of two States: initially the USSR and then, the Federation of Russia. According to him, during its mission has Moscow, Robert Strauss " put himself in good provisions with respect to Russia and A gains the distinguished respect of the Russian leaders and all the Russians ". Representants of the State Department, congressmen, the former adviser of the president of the United States for the national security Samuel Shepherd, of the journalists and the political telecommentateurs americains of reputation were deplaces to pay homage has Robert Strauss. The ambassador of the United States has Moscow James Collins had come especially from Moscow.