THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS PREPARE A PROGRAMME OF ELIMINATION OF THE SEQUELLES OF THE SNOWSTORM IN THE ISLAND OF SAKHALINE IOUJNO-SAKHALINSK, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov). A program of emergency measurements in order to eliminate the sequelles ones from a strong snowstorm which fell down on the island of Sakhaline and the islands Kouriles (the Russian Extreme-East), will be ring this Wednesday, holds a meeting in duplex with the participation of the Russian Minister for the emergency Situations Serguei Choigou, has advertisement has RIA " Novosti " the regional administration. According to preliminaires estimates', the damage causes by the destroying snowstorm depasse 100 million roubles. The cyclone made 8 died. But the assessment of the victims can averer heavier considering than of tens of cars only have ete buried under snow-drifts has Ioujno-Sakhalinsk. The gusts of wind have damages many lines of high voltage. 24 localites always remain without electricity although 23 special teams have ete mobilisees for remedier has the situation. The cyclone which has deferle on the Extreme-East, has lasts four days. This Wednesday, the airport of Ioujno-Sakhalinsk has again accomodated planes of Moscow, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, for the premiere time for three days. The rail traffic on the island of Sakhaline took again Tuesday, five ferries loads in the commercial port of Vanino, on the continent, are appretent to leave for Sakhaline. The special services work day and night for deblayer the automobile roads.