FOR THE WOMEN, THE FLOWERS ARE MORE THE BEAUTIFUL OF THE GIFTS MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The celebration day before of the international Day of the woman, the sociological Center of study of the opinion of Russia has realise a survey to know what the men want to offer has those that they like and what those wish to receive like gifts. This investigation has revele that the flowers arrived in premiere position, which is rather natural. 42 percent of the men judge that it is the gift ideal and 44 percent of the women divide this opinion. The moitie of the men intending to offer a bouquet are ages of less than 25 years and it is until wait the women of the same category of age. Perfumes, toilet waters and cosmetic will be offered by 22 percent of the men, young people particularly, and 16 percent of the women would be delighted by receive this kind of presents, especially those which are arrivees has some maturite. 18 percent of the men estimate that it is of good tone to offer delicacies, but the women are not that 11 percent have in rever. Gateries will be offered by men ages of less than 25 years and of more than 55 years and they will be particularly appreciees by the women classees in this derniere category of age. In the bottom of the table of the gifts has to offer one finds the articles of jewellery: only 4 percent of the men would like to offer some and 9 percent of the women to receive some.