THE SUBJECTS WHICH THE LEADER OF THE RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS WANTS TO EXAMINE WITH VLADIMIR POUTINE MOSCOW, February 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Guennadi Ziouganov, leader of the KPRF (Communist Party the Federation of Russia) and of the communist fraction has Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), plans to present to the Russian president the analysis of the political and economic situation which is creee these dernieres years in Russia. It is what Ziouganov has advertisement has RIA " Novosti ". Speaking during a press conference has the Lower House of the Parliament, it A confirms that it esperait to meet Vladimir Poutine today. Ziouganov pointed out that the documents which it would submit to the head of the State had ete prepares by a group of experts of the KPRF. It A stresses that it would speak to the president about the necessite to change economic policy, which entrainerait the demission of the cabinet of the ministers.