A DAGHESTANAISE IS PRONONCEE IN FAVOUR OF COLONEL YOURI BOUDANOV MAKHATCHKALA, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dekabr Beyboutov). The mother of a militiaman daghestanais keep silent from the combat against the trainings of gangsters tchetchenes A requests the leaders of Daghestan (Republic forming part of the Federation of Russia and bordering on Tchetchenie) to take the defense of colonel Youri Boudanov, controlling 160e regiment armours, shows to have assassinates a girl tchetchene. According to the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ", this request for defendre the officer who is many times distinguishes in the fight against the gangsters has ete made today during the meeting of the president of the Council of State of the republic Magometali Magomedov with the mothers, the women and the girls of the militiamans daghestanais tombs to the combat books with the gangsters tchetchenes who made incursion in ete-autumn 1999 on the territory of the republic. The meeting of the leaders of Daghestan with the families of the militiamans peris is held has the March day before 8. 83 women have ete invitees has the meeting, but many representantes of the districts and cities of Daghestan are there also arrivees. In the name of all the inhabitants of the republic, Magomedov paid homage to the combatants tombs with the engagements for freedom, the honor of Daghestan and for the unit of the Russian State.