THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRIME MINISTER OF RUSSIA HAVE EXAMINES THE PRIORITY BILLS MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). A meeting enters president Vladimir Poutine and the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov took place in the Kremlin. They have discusses the priority bills that the government proposes to subject has Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) for their examination in premiere urgency has the session printaniere, let know Alexei Gromov, secretary has the press of the head of the State. They are, inter alia, the bills concerning the prevention of the legalisation of the illicit incomes, the levee of the administrative barriers (the simplification of the recording mode of the companies), the imposition, the exploitation of the ground and banking. According to Gromov, the examination of the economic situation in the country made it possible to note that the measurements taken in February made it possible to reverse the inflation which has the tendency now has the fall. The president has load the government to develop from here June 1 of measurements has to take to finish some with the migration illegale in Russia, A indicates the spokesman of the head of the State.