THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS DRAWS UP THE ASSESSMENT MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elizaveta Sviridova). The room of the Councils of Cathedrale of the Saver accomodated today the 56e ordinary meeting of the Russian Academy of the Art schools fondee in 1757. Its participants will review activity of the Academy from 1997, will elect new regular members, member-correspondents and honorary members of the Academy. The correspondent of RIA " Novosti " learned that the mayor of Moscow Iouri Loujkov and the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexis II would be elected members honoris caused Academy of the Art schools. There will be also a ceremony of handing-over of medailles of gold and money of the Academy for the best artistic and architectural works. A great number of artists who took share has the rebuilding of Cathedrale of the Saver will receive distinctions.