PREMIERE MOSQUEE WILL BE OPEN TODAY A CHTCHELKOVO, AROUND MOSCOW CHTCHELKOVO (area of Moscow), March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Ekaterina Antipova). The premiere mosquee will be open today has Chtchelkovo, a situee city around Moscow. Its opening is consacree with the 1400e anniversary of the beginning of the propagation of Islam on the territory of Russia. The sheik Ravil Gainoutdine, president of the Council of the muftis of Russia will assist has the solemn ceremony. He A declares with the journalists that this mosquee had ete built within better times, in the 18 months space, has the initiative of the Moslems of this city. The faithful ones and Russian funds of benevolence took share, with the statements of the sheik, has his construction. The mosquee is has two levels, the room of the prayers being able to accomodate 400 A 450 believing. It is the second mosquee in the area of Moscow, the premiere being built one year ago has Orekhovo-Zouievo. Ravil Gainoutdine has releve that these dernieres years the Moslems had the possibility of building mosquees without problems: 6 500 mosquees are already built during that time.