THE DAGHESTAN PAYS HOMAGE TO PEOPLE PERIES DURING AGGRESSION TCHETCHENE IN 1999 MAKHATCHKALA, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dekabr Beiboutov). Magomded-Ali Magomedov, president of the Council of State of Daghestan (republic north-caucasienne forming integrante part of the Federation of Russia) discussed today, has the international Day day before of the women, with the widows and the mothers of Daghestanais tombs in the engagements, in aoOet-September 1999, during the aggression of Daghestan by gangsters tchetchenes and mercenaries. 45 police officers had ete kill in autumn 1999 in various districts daghestanais and a hundred civil of which popular militiamans. 62 people have finds death in the explosion of a residential building has Bouinaksk, September 4, 1999. 3 Daghestanais received the title of Hero of Russia including one, Gadjimourad Karakhmaiev, 17 years, has posthumous title, for their courage of which they had made proof in their fight against the attackers.