CONFRONTATIONS BETWEEN THE RUSSIAN GARDES-FRONTIERES AND THE AFGHAN COMMANDOS DOUCHANBE, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Beginning of this year, the Russian guard-borders in Tadjikistan have ten times delivers combat counters of the intruder weapons trying to cross the tadjiko-Afghan border. According to Alexandre Kondratiev, head of the service of press of the Russian group of guard-borders in concerning Tadjikistan federal Service of the borders of Russia, the guard-borders have ete attacks has the weapon has five recovery since the Afghan territory. Alexandre Kondratiev has additions that since the beginning of this year, the Russian guard-borders making their service has the tadjiko-Afghan border have arrete a score of Afghan intruders. They seized more than 225 kilogrammes of heroin, more than 10 light weapons, 4 shells has reaction, 7 ammunition encartouchees for lance-grenade.