UNO STUDIES THE SITUATION IN SECTOR KOSOVAR OF BORDER YOUGOSLAVO-MACEDONIENNE MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anna Wound). The Security Council of UNO is reuni emergency A New York to study the situation in the sector kosovar of the border yougoslavo-macedonienne, A declares the spokesman of the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres Alexandre Iakovenko. With its statements, Russia A approves the request of Macedoine and A expresses its will to take all essential measurements, on the level of UNO, for empecher the climbing of the tension in this area. The participants holds the meeting examine the international efforts in the field of the fight against the extremism and to prevenir the desatablisation of the situation in Macedoine. It is known that following precedent incidental A the border yougoslavo-macedonienne, the Security Council of UNO had already expresses his preoccupation and requires the immediate suspension of all the provocations. The situation around Kosovo is always in the center of attention of the Security Council which studies it regularly holds its meetings.