THE OFFICER OF JAPANESE NAVY SHOWS ESPIONAGE WITH THE PROFIT OF RUSSIA CONDEMNS A TEN MONTHS OF PRISON TOKYO, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). The officer of the Forces of autodefense nippones which was shows to have transmitted secret documents has a Russian diplomat has ete condemns Wednesday by a court of Tokyo has ten months of imprisonment. In the judgement it east indicates that the instruction had established the fact that Shigehiro Hagisaki, 38 years, employe of a military research center, had given on July 30 2000 has a fastener of the embassy of Russia in Japan of the " documents strategic relating to the system of instruction of the soldiers and the development of the transmissions and telecommunications ". In the bill of indictment it east mentions that the actions of accuses " have cause a great damage has the nation and saps the confidence of the people with respect to the Forces of autodefense ". In his conclusion, the principal judge has releve that in the stop of the judgement it has ete held account owing to the fact that Shigehiro Hagisaki had repented and that his/her son groin was seriously sick. " In same time, while evaluating revolves it of the crime, we have judge impossible to pronounce a matched verdict of the deferment ", A declares the judge.