THE RUSSIAN GARDES-FRONTIERES HAVE EMPECHE OF THE INTRUDERS TO PASS CLANDESTNEMENT BORDER AFGHANO-TADJIKE DOUCHANBE, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian guard-borders have empeche of the intruders to pass the border afghano-tadjike clandestinely. RIA " Novosti " learned today with the service from press from the group from guard-borders in concerning Tadjikistan the federal Service from the borders from Russia that Tuesday at the evening, in the sector border of Piandj, of the guard-borders in faction had remark some unknown deplacer in an island of the Piandj river. After a blow of gun of indication and a shooting of warning in the air, 5 intruders are flee in Afghanistan. Morning, the guard-borders have procede with the control of the places.