EUROPEAN UNION SE PRONOUNCES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF DRAFT RUSS0-AMERICAIN ON ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE WASHINGTON, March 7. (Corr Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). No change intervened in the position of the European Union and its leaders. The UE always estimates that the Russo-americain Draft on anti-missile defense (ABM) is a document " strategic " which supposes that " nothing must threaten it ". It is what the minister suedoise Businesses etrangeres, Anna Lindh, representante of the country exercant the revolving presidency has the UE, A declares has Washington. The head of the diplomacy suedoise, which is in visit in the federal capital, discussed with the journalists at once after the talks which it has menes with the Secretary of State americain, Colin Powell. According to remarks' of Anna Lindh, during his meeting with Colin Powell it A evokes the information published in the press of the United States and according to which tactical nuclear weapons would have ete deployees in the Russian area of Kaliningrad. After having indicates that it had already examines this question with the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Igor Ivanov, Anna Lindh said that it considered it necessary to continue " to examine the whole of the problem of the tactical nuclear warheads ". It is also important to make appear the question of the tactical nuclear armaments " in the agenda of the future international negotiations and of the talks on START-3 ", A declares the minister suedoise Businesses etrangeres, which has advertisement that it had the intention to tackle this problem at the time of its next meeting with Igor Ivanov Friday has Stockholm.