Wed Mar 7 08:37:04 2001 * E404654 * RUSSIA * TRANSPORT * TRAFFIC * YEAR DERNIERE RUSSIAN TRANSPORT HAS FUNCTIONS IN A STABLE WAY MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Fiodorov). The year derniere, Russian transport has functions in a stable way. It is what the Russian Minister for Transport, Serguei Frank, A declares Tuesday at a meeting of the persons in charge of this department. According to its remarks, in year 2000, the traffic in Russian transport, all confused modes, A progresses of more than 8 percent compared to 1999. The economic situation of the haulage companies is amelioree, the number of nonprofitable companies A decreases by twice. The average monthly wages have than double more. The minister put forward the stability of the traffic-passengers, although here a retreat has ete records. According to Serguei Frank, for the transport of freight, the road detient from now on the leadership. The volupe of freight convey by this means of transport increased in 1999 of 340 million tons. In the river transport the traffic knew a progression of 15 percent. The Minister for Transport also has releve that the traffic-goods of the seaports had increased of more than 11 percent. He has in addition announces that the year derniere the investment in the whole of transport had increases by 12 percent.