THE ISLAND OF SAKHALINE A NEED TO BE RELIEE BY RAIL IN THE CONTINENT MOSCOW, March 7. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Fiodorov). The current situation has Sakhaline, when that the elements dechaines empechent any sea link and air with this island of the Russian Extreme-East, recalls that it is really necessary to connect this one to the continent by a reliable transportation communication channel. It seems that experts are on the way to solve one half-century an old question, has to know to choose between the boring of a tunnel under the detroit of Tatarie and the construction of a bridge, so as to what the island is not any more the hostage of the whims of time and also for regler a crowd of economic and social problems. It is what Russian the vice-Prime Minister for the Alexandre Micharine, transportation Communication channels, A declares Tuesday in an exclusive interview accordee has RIA " Novosti ". An attempt to bore a tunnel had ete undertaken of the 1953. At this time already one had become aware of the necessite of transferer of significant materielles resources by means of an axis of sOer transport. Only after the death of Stalin this project had ete gives up for various reasons, of which economic, pointed out Alexandre Micharine. Maintaining a consortium has ete cree with for mission of defining what it is preferable to build: a bridge above the detroit or well a tunnel under this one. It has ete decide to proceed has studies and to constitute files of opportunity for the two alternatives. A definitif choice should be made in next September.