FOR MARCH 8, VLADIMIR POUTINE A RESERVE FOR HIS WIFE A " PLEASANT SURPRISE " MOSCOW, March 8. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Russian president east refuses has to answer has the question of the journalists of Internet editions which wanted to know what the head of the State presenterait in gift has his wife for March 8. Being his wife, Vladimir Poutine said that it could not " give him instructions ". " Our reports/ratios are such as, if I did it, I would obtain a result diametrically opposes. What wants to say that it behaves as it wants ", A underlines the head of the State. As for the behavior of the president with his wife in public, Vladimir Poutine A stresses that " there, it is a purely personal question ". In addition, continued the president, the Russian citizens elected at the post of president him and not his wife. The president told " very grateful " to A his wife in the way in which " it carries her cross ". " It is not so easy ", A underlines Vladimir Poutine. The president as has qualifies right assertions as in the Russian official structures there are still few women.