VLADIMIR POUTINE SE LEVE EARLY AND COMPLETES THE WORK LATE, THE SPORT HELPING IT TO REMAIN IN FORM MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Vladimir Poutine leve early and completes the work has ten hours, sometimes has eleven hours and same A midnight. But the sport the assistance has to remain in form. In its interview has Internet editions, the president says that after being leve it devotes " about thirty minutes " has the warming-up and a " score of minutes " has swimming. My timetable is enough load, said the president. One hour is half in middle of day is also consacree with the sport, according to him. Being the books which the president currently reads, the president in A quotes two, " the History of the regne of Catherine the Large one " and " Reflexions on Russia " of Dmitri Likhatchev. With the number of the Russian authors preferes, Vladimir Poutine A names Tchekhov, Tolstoi and Dostoievski. The president paid homage has his professor of letters of school which had learned to him has " to hold in regard the literature, has to handle the book ". Passing to the theme of the music, the head of State A acknowledges his predilection for the classical music. " If I had time, once at month, I would put initially a disc of Tchaikovski, or of Schubert arranges by Liszt or of Liszt arranges by Schubert ", said Poutine. As for the cinema, the president said " to like it much ", same if for the moment there is no time to him to see films. Vladimir Poutine A acknowledges his love for the " French cinema ". Russian actors, Vladimir Poutine has more likes Rostislav Pliatt and, of the known Western actors, Romy Schneider.