VLADIMIR POUTINE: " IN THE CASE OR THE UNITED STATES SE WOULD WITHDRAW WAY UNILATERALE OF DRAFT ABM, IT IN RESULTERAIT OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF LEGAL NATURE INDEPENDANTES OF THE WILL OF RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. In the case or the United States would withdraw way unilaterale draft ABM of 1972, " it resulterait consequences of legal nature of them independantes of the will of Russia ", A declares Tuesday Vladimir Poutine while answering, from the Kremlin, with the questions of the Internet-mediae. " I hold has to underline it because want it that all the participants of our maintenance include/understand it: it resulterait of them consequences independantes of the will of Russia ", has additions Vladimir Poutine. President A explains that Draft ABM is a " kind of axis on which a whole series of agreements on the international security are thread ". **time-out** " With fact, it be used as a basis A the whole of system of security international, have it make notice in add that in remove this axis, one detruirait all the system, all the structure of security international current. " Yes, Russia A ratifies Draft START-2 (reduction of the number of our missiles strategic), said the president. But the law on the ratification establishes that this ratification has value only if the Draft of 1972 on anti-missile defense east respects. As much to say that according to the law we do not have the obligation to observe the quantitative limitations in the sphere of anti-missile defense ". Russia is prete has to continue the negotiations and one would like that they allow determiner " the degree and the nature of the threats " which exist for the United States and other countries, continued the head of the Russian State. It is necessary together of decider how it is necessary to neutralize these threats " without communicating uncertainty mutually ", has it precise. " We do not intend to address ultimata has anyone. We want to continue the negotiations and we intend to be able to do it ", A underlines the head of the Russian State. " to judge by the reaction of the new administration americaine, our partners americains also wish it. That encourages us has optimism to a certain extent ", said Vladimir Poutine. Answering has another question, president A stresses that it did not think that the dialogue will be more difficult with the administration of Bush than with that of Clinton. It has espere that " logic and the common sense will lead has a positive search of the final results ".