VLADIMIR POUTINE NOTES THAT IN OCCIDENT ONE STILL DOES NOT INCLUDE/UNDERSTAND WHAT SE PASSES IN TCHETCHENIE MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Vladimir Poutine A notes regrets that in Occident one still does not include/understand what occurs to the Caucasus North and in Tchetchenie in particular, has to judge by the questions which have to him ete posees today during its press conference on Internet. " the Russian armee and the Russian people never have mene no countryside against the people tchetchene ", has it explains. " armee Russian A ete obligee has to take up the challenge " launches by the extremists and the international terrorists who have attacks Daghestan. The actions of the Russian armee aim at of liberer the people tchetchene of the terrorists who are seize the capacity in Tchetchenie and who throw a discredit on Islam and the people tchetchene by attacking the close territories, A underlines the head of the Russian State. Question on the resources depensees to retablir the command in Tchetchenie in particular, president A declares that " in a general way, money and the resources just as they are do not play, and by far, of role determinant for the development of the economy ". This role returns in the conditions which the State proposes has the economy and by the capacity of the State has to ensure the respect of these conditions. With this occasion, the Russian president has appele the international community has cooperer " for resoudre one of the fundamental problems of the contemporary time: the fight counters the extremism and terrorism ". " Then in our country, in Europe as a whole and in the whole world there will be only command, prosperity and development ", A underlines Vladimir Poutine.